I Killed Someone

I Killed Someone

So I have this horrible dream today about killing or murdering someone. I killed someone who was trying to kill me so I killed him in my self defense using a gun which in any means don't know how I got it in first place.

The dream goes something like this.
So, we (a group of unknwon people) were on a trip in search of some holistic realm up in the hill forest. I've got like some super power of flying. In search of that realm we discovered a holistic rock decided to build a temple in that place. And in the next scene we were at my place drinking and talking about the trip. We had a pretty good night at my place with some drinks and good talks. In the middle of the talk we found out that if we break a piece of that rock it turns into a Diamond. So we decided to break some pieces of it and share among ourselves. After that everyone went to their home but a guy who lives far from my place asked to sleep with me in my place so I agreed. In my dream inside my dream I was dreaming weird. 

So, in the morning time when I was about to wake up the guy who slept with me was trying to steal my share of diamond and the rock itself. I tried to stop from from doing that but he wasn't listening and tries to shoot me. So, to save myself from that I shot him in his head. There was no sound as I used pillow to shot him ans there's wasn't much blood in my bed also. 

There was a family gathering or feast in my home that day. I tried to cover the incident and the dead body and when they found out about the body I blamed it on my brother. I felt good at first but after sometime I felt that it's not good to blame someone of crime that I commited. So I told the police truth about the killing and I was sentenced to prison afterwards. 

And after that I woke up and I searched about the meaning of my dream. 

Dreams about murder and killing aren't only common, but they're windows into personal levels of aggression, hostility, and introversion. Hartwig HKD/CC BY-ND 2.0

Researchers from the Central Institute of Mental Health's sleep laboratory in Mannheim, Germany, surveyed 443 university students about the types of dreams they had, as well their individual characteristics. Twenty to 35 percent of students reported having dreamed of killing someone at least once in their lifetime — and this type of dream was related to “elevated walking-life aggression.” This is basically the aggression a person experiences in their daily, awake life.

Not only do dreams about murder suggest actual aggression, but researchers also found these dreamers also experience hostility, introversion, and don’t particularly get along with others (introversion). Students were able to remember their dreams two to three times a week, with men having more of the murder and killing dreams than women. This is on par with prior research that found men were more likely to dream about murder, as well as magical powers and alien attacks versus women dreaming about failing exams, relative deaths, and insects.


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