Time of Rage

Everyone must have experienced that one time when you are frustrated with their life. You want to do something but you are not able to do things due to some reasons. Due to which you starts thinking a lot about yourselves and the future you are gonna live. You start comparing your lives with the lives of your friends and the relatives of your age. You find how your life has been miserable and hell in comparison to others of your same age. You just wanna scream and shout out loud to take out your anger and frustration but no your inner thought don't let you do that once again preventing what your inner thought decided once before. You start feeling like you are the one hell of the failure. You do something but everything goes wrong no matter how good you try and do things.
Rage Face

It's the hardest and most painful time of your life. And you just speak in your mind things that can motivate you to get out from this stress. It takes away the stress for a moment but not for so long. The stress comes back again and again.

But it's not the end of your life. Life is too short to live in stress. Cherish every small moment when you feel happy. Take in mind that time pass and so does the stress. Life is hard but we can make it fun and beautiful .It all depends upon our perception about ourselves and life. Do Good and Be Good. Always smile no matter what happens in your life .


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